At KASS, we have special counseling department. Children are provided counseling on issues related to classroom adjustment, peer/teen pressure and learning problems. Students with discipline and behavioral issues are regularly counseled in a comforting and secure environment. Children are guided to acquire social and life skills which go a long way in helping them to live a happy life. This cell is also actively involved in working with the parents & teachers.
Teachers have also been sent for training. These facilitators have been equipped with guidelines to conduct workshops which deal with behavioral problems. They understand the need to create a supportive environment which helps the children to make informed decisions as well as communicate and negotiate effectively. These trained facilitators have held workshops for the children which have been found to be very effective. The children were able to express their problems and think of solutions on their own.

A series of parent counseling workshops have been conducted for parents of children from different classes. Parents were given tips on some of their common concerns like exam stress, coping with peer pressure and resolving conflicts.


Admission is going on with 50 percent discount from Preschool, Playgroup and Nursery till 15th January 2024.