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KASS established in 2009 with a new thought of education to serve the country in a distinguished way. We are running a new concept of inclusive education. We provide education in a normal class room.

Early Intervention program এ ছাত্র/ছাত্রী ভর্তি চলছে। প্রোগ্রামটিতে আসন সংখ্যা সীমিত।

Kookaburra Australian Standard Inclusive স্কুলে

Proper assessment

Early intervention program

To develop communication skills

To improve on ADL

To develop educational program

To develop playing skills

To increase cognitive skills

Behavioural Therapy

Music therapy

Outing Program

Cultural Program

Package Program for distance clients

KASS established in 2009 with a new thought of education to serve the country in a distinguished way. We are running a new concept of inclusive education. We provide education in a normal class room. That is a challenge of special need students as long as for the regular students. We provide a day shift for our special need support for moderate and severe category special need children. Kookaburra Australian Standard School (KASS) is a comprehensive learning support development center where all categories of students get the education as per their requirement. KASS gives extensive and specialized programs to students who have learning difficulties and needs special care.

Donate for Education of Autism Students

Your tax-deductible gift will help support autism education, awareness, advocacy, research, and most importantly, enable us to assist families living with autism.

Planned Giving

Have you remembered the Autism Society of Bangladesh in your will or trust?

Vehicle Donations

Automobile donations are an incredibly fast and easy way to help the Autism Society of Bangladesh.

Workplace Giving

You can also contribute to the kookaburra Organization of Kookaburra Australian Standard School of Bangladesh.

Fearless Hearts Foundation

Empowering Lives: Fearless Hearts Foundation - Our School's Top Donation Organization


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